Wake on LAN script in Python

This works.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# wol.py
import socket
import struct

def wake_on_lan(macaddress):
    """ Switches on remote computers using WOL. """

    # Check macaddress format and try to compensate.
    if len(macaddress) == 12:
    elif len(macaddress) == 12 + 5:
        sep = macaddress[2]
        macaddress = macaddress.replace(sep, '')
        raise ValueError('Incorrect MAC address format')
    # Pad the synchronization stream.
    data = ''.join(['FFFFFFFFFFFF', macaddress * 20])
    send_data = '' 

    # Split up the hex values and pack.
    for i in range(0, len(data), 2):
        send_data = ''.join([send_data,
                             struct.pack('B', int(data[i: i + 2], 16))])

    # Broadcast it to the LAN.
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1)
    sock.sendto(send_data, ('', 7))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Use macaddresses with any seperators.
    # or without any seperators.


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OpenVAS vulnerability scanner

I wanted to do a quick scan of a system before I signed a security assessment consent form, so I wanted a free vulnerability scanner I could use. I couldn’t find a truly free online scanner that I could “just use”, so I set up OpenVAS on an amazon instance. It works well.  I chose OpenVAS because is the leading free open source scanner out there.

I spun up a t2.micro at amazon to host it.  It choked.  I upgraded to a t2.large, which worked much better.  OpenVAS uses a lot of resources, so go with a large.  You can always shut down the scanner when you are not using it.  Even the t2.large just about used up all its CPU credit balance after just 3 scans.

A quick setup guide is hosted here: https://launchpad.net/~mrazavi/+archive/ubuntu/openvas

But first, do:

sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra build-essential

After installation and configuration, reconnect to your amazon instance like this:

ssh [email protected] -L 8000: -i ec2-keypair.pem

Then point your browser at https://localhost:8000

login with user admin, password admin.

UPDATE: 8/24/2015

Amazon does not like you running openVAS on their network.  They threatened to shut down my account.  So, if you are wanting to run openVAS, I recommend running it on Digital Ocean.

Here is a howto they put together for you.


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Respsonsive tables

Sometimes you need to display a big table but you want it to be usable on a mobile phone.  Responsive Tables to the rescue.


The best one, in my opinion, is the “No More Tables” demo at the bottom of the page.


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Quickest way to get Tomcat 7 running on ubuntu 14.04

I found this excellent blog post and thought it was worth remembering, so here it is.


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SSL Certificate Checkers

These two are the best i have found.

Qualys SSL Server Test

Symantec SSL Ceritficate Checker

Both are free and provide thorough analysis of your certificate to make sure it passes PCI server scans and such.

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